Partnership opportunities

Several opportunities are available to you to offer visibility to your company, your event or your products, for all budgets.


Take advantage of the marketing actions and animation put forth by the event and come promote your organisation’s product and services. The exhibit area will be at  the Parc au fil de l’eau, the finish area for all distances including the 1km, 5km, 10km and 21.1km. All participants must pass through the finish area which is also the gathering point of the event for spectators and the general public.

  • Expected Traffic : a minimum of 12,000 people are expected (participants and spectators)
  • Exhibit Location: The finish area of the event, Parc au fil de l’eau (Mont-Tremblant library) located at 1149 rue St-Jovite J8E 3J8.
  • Kiosk operation hours : Saturday, August 9 from 10am-4pm and Sunday, August 10 from  8:00am-1:00pm (See detailed schedule in the attached event guide)
  • Availability : a maximum of 30 10×10 spaces are available.
  • Booking : first come, first served
  • Starting price : $350 (10×10 space) for both days, including night security, parking. Optional ($): equipment rental, electricity ($50) and storage space as needed.

If you have any question, contact us.

For all the details, please consult the “Exhibitors Opportunities” below.
To book a space, please fill in the reservation form below.


It is now possible to promote your company, your event or your products at different spots on our website, thanks to your web banners. Rates are set on a monthly basis and the number of places is limited.

See our attached document for more information.

If you are interested in promoting your company on our website , please fill in this form or contact us at


Join us as an official partner of the event! Different options are available to you, with visibility opportunities for all budgets.

For more information, contact us.


Do not miss the opportunity to display your products on our future online store. More details coming soon.

For more information, contact us.

Les Productions Out To Play (OTP)
C.P. 4387
Mont-Tremblant (Québec)
J8E 1A1